Shan é artista freelancer em tempo integral, tendo experiência em design de personagens e ilustrações editoriais. Já expôs seu trabalho autoral em diversos eventos pelo Brasil, incluindo CCXP. Faz de tudo um pouco – entre pinturas, quadrinhos, fanzines, jogos e material impresso, se é um projeto bacana, pode chamar que ele vem. Vive alimentando fandom com sua arte nas horas vagas, sempre participando de colaborações e antologias.
Shan is a full-time freelance artist with experience in character design and editorial illustrations. They have exhibited their original work at several cons throughout Brazil. They do a little bit of everything – between paintings, comics, fanzines, games and printed material, if it's a cool project, you can call them to come. They live feeding fandom with their art in their spare time, always participating in collaborations and anthologies.
Regras para uso de arte
• Utilização como ícones e headers públicos é permitido contanto que haja link direto (@ clicável ou link para o perfil, também clicável) para as minhas redes em bio ou algum outro lugar visível do perfil;• Utilização como wallpaper de celular ou computador é permitido contanto que seja para uso pessoal;• Impressão de ilustrações é permitido contanto que seja para uso pessoal;• Utilização de arte para stickers de whatsapp, telegram ou qualquer outro app de mensagens é proibida exceto se encomendado* para tal;• Repostagem pública de artes (salvar a imagem no seu celular e postar diretamente no seu perfil) é proibida salvo com expressa autorização minha;Desrespeitar qualquer uma dessas regras acarretará em bloqueio indefinido em todas as minhas redes sociais.Não tenha medo ou vergonha de perguntar ou pedir! Eu estou sempre disponível por DM.* Informações de encomenda estão neste link
Rules for art usage
• Usage as icons and public headers is permitted as long as there is a direct link (clickable @ or link to the profile, also clickable) to my social media in bio or some other visible place on the profile;• Usage as phone or computer wallpaper is permitted as long as it is for personal use;• Printing illustrations is permitted as long as it is for personal use;• Usage of art for stickers for WhatsApp, Telegram or any other IM is prohibited unless commissioned* for such;• Public reposting of artwork (saving the image on your cell phone and posting directly to your profile) is prohibited unless with my express permission;Disrespecting any of these rules will result in indefinite block on all my social media websites.Don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask! I am always available via DM.* Commission info can be found here
Why was I blocked?
There's few reasons I hard block people. If the person doesn't fit under any of the next points, I usually just mute and go on. So if you found me and is surprised by being and wants to know why you were blocked, check if you do/did something listed here.Of course I block any bigots, so queerphobic, racist, or any general bad people like this, it's just a must. If you care about why I blocked you I'm pretty sure it's not because of this, at least I hope not.• You blocked me first. I mean, if you blocked me, there's probably not a genuine reason to seek explanations as to why I blocked you, it's just mutual. You're absolutely entitled to curate your timeline, just as I am.• You're underage. You should not have followed me or interacted with my NSFW stuff in the first place. My bio says very clear that my account is 18+. This is for both our safety. I don't care if you're turning 18 this year. Come back when you already did.• You're an anti. To be honest this is good for both of us, because I am openly proship, it might have just slipped under your radar.• You're an openly hater, especially of things I like. Usually I have probably just crossed your timeline with something you like (since I am a multifandom artist). But being a hater is just not it. I'm probably not even the first artist to block you. So do better.• You post untagged genderbend. And by tagging, I mean with mutable words like genderbend, cisswap, genderbender and more general words. Just putting a 'fem!' before a character's name doesn't do it, because the mute system blocks any 'fem', even if it's not related to genderbend. It also doesn't block symbols like ♀️, and even if it did, it makes no sense muting a general symbol either. And I also tire of having to mute zillions of different variants of the ship name with lesbian/wlw references (lesbinqiu, hualesbians, etc).
Please realize this is a common squick (in my case, literally a dysphoria inducing trigger) that needs to be tagged. If you don't want to tag, that's your choice. But you'll remain blocked. Nothing personal, just my patience ran thin with the amount of people unable to properly tag their stuff and muting does not do it for me anymore.
Please notice this doesn't apply to trans headcanons, which I'm very much fine with. I'm obviously also fine with lesbian couples, as long as the characters are canonically women.
There are exceptions, but they apply only if the characters canonically change at will/transit between different genders, like Ranma (Ranma ½), BeefLeaf (TGCF) and Zelda/Sheik (The Legend of Zelda).I hope this clarifies any questions you might have. You absolutely can contact me to unblock if you corrected these behaviors. But I will not give you further explanation as to why because all the reasons are here.